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Whether you need to
think inside or outside the box

Function and inspiration

Check out how our plastic products are used and look.
It’s not all about the small things, but even a small thing can have a big impact.

A selection of what you can find under
“How it works” and “Inspiration”

How does Click-on-armrest work?
The video can be found under How it works.

Disconnect connected chair glides
The video can be found under How it works.

Connect chairs easily and functionally at the seat
The video can be found under Inspiration.


See how our products work and are used

How is this plastic part used? See instructional videos showing how a selection of our plastic parts are used on finished products and furniture.

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Smart solutions for ingenious furniture design

Get inspired and start brainstorming what you need for your next big idea for sustainable, creative furniture design.

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Plastic details for furniture, construction, and industrial design

Looking for plastic details? You've come to the right place! We have about 10,000 standard items, and since we manufacture most of them ourselves, you can order both large and small series.
