For an easier workday!
Hello developers
Download CAD files of our products and use them directly in your projects! Here you also will find information about injection moulded plastic, from material selection to the manufacturing process. Perfect for product developers in furniture design and industrial design.

Download CAD files
In Ackurat’s drawing archive, you can download the CAD files you need all in one place. You can also download CAD files on the product pages.
Here is useful information for you as a designer or product developer
Custom plastic parts just the way you want them
Do you want help developing your ideas and taking them to the next level? Share your ideas with our experienced product specialists!

Sound-reducing felt on plastic parts
Are you concerned about the floor? Is it a conference room, classroom, or an elegant dining room? In any case, the surface between the floor and the furniture matters. With different types of floors and the room’s various uses, different functional requirements are placed. Felt is sound-reducing and protects the floor from being scratched by furniture.

Do you want to share your product ideas?
With us, all ideas for new standard products are welcome! You can contact us via email, phone, letter, or at our next fair.

Injection molding - how it works
The production of injection moulded plastic parts requires precisely adjusted machines where our knowledge of the plastic’s properties is very important. Read about how injection moulding works.

Surface finish and patterns for plastic surfaces
There are many options when it comes to surface finish for injection molded plastic parts.
The possibilities are almost endless.

Plastic materials for injection molded plastic parts
When it comes to injection molded plastic, the choice of plastic material is crucial for the result. With the right material, you get a longer product lifespan, increased strength, and better resistance to chemicals.