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Don’t worry, it’ll be fine

Buyback if you bought
too many Ackurat parts

You may have ordered more than you intended when purchasing standard items from Ackurat. Don’t worry, we have several solutions for you. Always contact customer service to discuss.

Choose the option that suits you

Illustration - Retur och återköp.svg

Return & buyback

If you have just purchased the items, you can return them (you cover the shipping) and get your money back if they are sellable to other customers. We buy back products or parts of them at a lower price.

Illustration - Sälj tillbaka till Ackurat.svg

Sell back to Ackurat

Sell back items to Ackurat. We can buy back products in good condition at a price that corresponds to our normal acquisition costs.

Illustration - Återvinn själva.svg

Recycle yourself

Recycle according to your own procedure.

Illustration - Låt Ackurat återvinna.svg

Let Ackurat recycle

Send expired products to Ackurat for recycling.