Create a quieter sound environment
Sound-reducing felt
on plastic parts
Felt is sound-reducing and protects the floor from being scratched by furniture.
Are you concerned about the floor? Is it a conference room, classroom, or an elegant dining room? In any case, the surface between the floor and the furniture matters. With different types of floors and the room’s various uses, different functional requirements are placed.

Plastic parts felted with vibration welding
We use vibration welding to attach felt to the surface of the plastic part. During vibration welding, the plastic part and the felt are placed in separate parts of the tool. The part is pressed against the felt while the part vibrates at high frequency until the surfaces melt together.
Felt your own plastic parts
Contact us and we will gladly help you felt your plastic parts! We have standard felts, but we can also create a customised felt for your part. To felt your plastic part, we need to manufacture a felt welding tool, and if you want a customised felt, we need to manufacture a punching tool. Contact us and we will tell you more.